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Specially Designed

This Course is Specially Designed For (includes special modules)

Linux/System Administrators
Dev/QA Architects
Testing & Automation Engineers
DevOps Enthusiasts
Support Engineers
Infrastructure Engineers

Key Features

Key Features

Key Features

80-90 Hrs Instructor-led Live Classes

30 hours Free Shell Scripting Self-paced Classes

30 Hrs Project-work DevOps Job Support & Assistance

Real-time Projects Work-Integrated

24x7 Doubt clarification

DevOps Job Support & Assistance

Resume Preparation & Interview Support

Industry recognized DevOps Certification

15+ yrs. Experienced Trainer &Trained 10,000+ Students

24x7 Doubt clarification

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Gamut Gurus
Pay After Placement
(GGPAP) Program

Career Transition

Career Transition

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Job Seekers end-to-end solution

Training Basics to advance
practicals & ProjectWorks
Best Practices
Mock Interview Preparation
Resume preparation
project explanation
Resume circulations
Placement through our clients
Work support after placement
24/7 dedicated work support team
Your project releated custom training
Continuous up-skilling support

Job Seekers Solution

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Devops Course Benefits

Learner Satification Rate: 4.7/5
Opportunity to start a new Career after the course.
Opportunity to get promoted, salary increments.
Opportunity to Transition in Higher Positions.
Average Salary Devops ₹ 5LPA - 7LPA

17+ years Exp. Trainer


Doubt Clarification Session


Dedicate Support

Interview Preparation


Project Reviews


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Learner's Outcome

Learner's Outcome

Software development, Testing& Ops Methodologies, Agile & Scrum

Infrastructure Automation
With Terraform

Build, Test & DeploymentUsing
Git, Maven


Build, Test &
Deployment Automation

Monitoring with Nagios
/Prometheus/ Grafana

Containerization & Micro-services
with Docker & Kubernetes

GCP GKE Kubernetes service
&DevSecOps Trending topic

Configurations management
with Ansible, Puppet

DevOps Course Curriculum

DevOps Course Curriculum

Hrs of Extensive Training
Tools covered
DevSecOps Trending topic
Real-time projects
  • What is DevOps, Acronym What is Dev & Ops?
  • Acronym: Dev + Ops – misconceptions.
  • Gamut of Devops Tools overview
  • End-to-End DevOps work-flow
  • Roles and Responsibilities of DevOps Resource
  • Who can learn DevOps?
  • Pre-requisites for DevOps
  • Importance of DevOps Practices in Software Development.
  • DevOps in Realtime and it’s goals.
  • SDLC models, Agile and DevOps
  • History of DevOps
  • Important terminology
  • Opportunities, Trends and Future of DevOps
  • Overview of: Version Control mechanism, Build and Deployment Process, Continuous Integration and Deployment, Configuration Management, Containerization, Virtualization, AWS Cloud platform, etc..
  • Role of Cloud Platforms in DevOps
  • DevOps and Cloud. Is Cloud + something is DevOps?
  • Introduction to Version Control Systems (VCS)
  • Different Version Control Systems in the market
  • Evolution of VCS’s
  • Role of VCS’s in Source code management
  • Version Control System Goals
  • Features of Version Control Systems
  • Role of Version Control System in DevOps
  • What is Git and why Git? Role of Git in DevOps
  • Role and Responsibilities of DevOps Engineer in Git
  • Role of Source code Versioning in release management
  • Git Features. CVCS Vs DVCS
  • Version Control Systems Principles
  • Git Basics
  • Git Architecture
  • Evolution of VCS’s
  • Source code management with Git
  • End-to-End Git Work-flow at 10k foot
  • Git Vs SVN Vs other commercial VCS’s
  • Git Command Line & GUI
  • On-premise Vs Hosted Git Solutions
  • Overview of GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket , etc.
  • Git Installation, Uninstallation, Upgradation in Linux and Windows
  • Git Command Line and GUI tools
  • DevOps Engineers favourite - CLI Or GUI?
  • Setting up Mandatory Configurations. Best practices.
  • $ git config command to setup User, Email, Editor and Credentials
  • Creating Remote repository – On-Premise & GitHub
  • Creating Local repository
  • End-to-End git work-flow execution with commands
  • Git Jargons understanding your understanding based on what you have learned so far. Let’s bring you in track to hit the Iceburg!
  • If you have to give a short lecture on Git in Gamut Gurus, how much you can talk?
  • Understanding Git as a tool and it’s internals.
  • Commit your first change to Remote repository, Consciously! $ Commands: ‘git add’, ‘git commit’, ‘git push’
  • What is Source, Stage and Local repository.
  • Git Revision Structure – SHA, User, Email, Commit Message and other metadata
  • How Git generates SHA value? What is this checksum code and data integrity all about? Why such a long hexadecimal number?
  • Significance of Staging Index. Then why git allows me to skip it. Skipping the staging.
  • Git command line with most frequently used options in real-time$ git log
    • $ git log
    • - git log –author
    • - git log --grep
    • - git log –since
    • - git log –until
    • - git log –oneline
    • - git log --grep , etc.
    • $ git diff
    • - git diff
    • - git diff --staged
    • - git diff sha..sha
    • $ git rm
    • - Is deletion permanent? Best practices.
    • - Resurrect a deleted file
    • $ git mv
    • - Renaming a file
    • - History carry forward after rename
    • Listing the change efforts from repository
    • - Is deletion permanent? Best practices.
    • - Resurrect a deleted file
    • - understand git show output
    • Undoing the changes
    • - Revert a change from Source Area
    • - Revert a change from staging area
    • - Revert a committed change
  • What is a branch & tag ?
  • When and Why do we create a new branch and tag?
  • Importance of master branch & stable code.
  • Branching Strategies or Models – Pros and Cons
  • Practical’s
  • - List all branches
  • - Creating a new branch and making it public
  • - List all remote branches
  • - Switching from one branch to another
  • - Create and switch to newly created branch
  • - Understanding HEAD and Git ‘s intelligence
  • - List all tags
  • - Creating tags and best practices
  • What is merge?
  • Merging Best practices
  • Merging Vs Rebase
  • Fast-Forward Merge
  • 3-way Merge algorithm
  • Merging from one branch to another
  • Conflict resolution best practices
  • Branching best practices to minimize conflicts
  • Practicals
  • - Merging the code from one branch to another
  • - Conflict markers, resolution
  • - Identifying conflict owners
  • - Test you merge before you commit
  • - Reverse merging
  • Git pull
  • Git push
  • Git clone
  • Git fetch
  • Difference between pull and fetch
  • Difference between clone and pull
  • Pull and Fetch best practices
  • Build and Deployment End-to-End Workflow
  • Roles and Responsibilities of DevOps Engineer in Software Build & Deployment
  • Role of Build tools in Software build process automation
  • Introduction to Maven build tool
  • Maven Vs ANT(Key Features of Maven Over ANT)
  • Build tools for different languages
  • Feel the pain of source code manual compilation with manual example
  • Necessity of transforming source code into binaires
  • What is compilation
  • Why source code compilation is required.
  • Artifact, Binaries, Executables, object code definition - Get terminology
  • Machine Vs Human understandable language
  • Maven Installation and Prerequisites, Downloading Maven and JDK
  • Setting up JAVA_HOME, M2_HOME and PATH ENV variables
  • Discussion about $USER_HOME/.bashrc file and Installation of any tool in Linux
  • Java build process. Packaging sequence (.Class, .Jar, .War, .Ear , etc.)
    • - What is compilation & why we compile the source code
    • - Packaging sequence for Java application
    • - What is Build
    • - What is Deployment
    • - Environment
    • - Dev, QA & DevOps teams Interaction and Collaboration
  • Creating a project using Maven
  • Maven's convention over configuration feature
  • Understanding Project source tree layout
  • Understanding Junit unit testing framework
  • Understanding Test Driven Development (TDD) approach
  • Overview of Software development & other testing methodologies
  • Software Development and Testing Best practices
  • Building your first project
  • $ mvn install command & deep discussion about maven life cycle phases
  • Understanding build output, test results, class files etc.
  • Verifying built artefacts, naming convention and m2 local repository
  • Dependency Management: What is code dependency-Maven's automatic dependency resolution feature
  • Direct and Transitive dependencies-Defining dependencies in pom file
  • Maven binary repositories-Local, Private and Central repository
  • Build Types - hands-on
    • - Complete build/Clean build/Full build
    • - Nightly build
    • - Daily build
    • - bugfix build
    • - adhoc/unplanned/emergency builds
  • Execution of all build types with hands-on for GamutKart project
  • Maven plugins, Skippng Test compilation, run and execution of tests when required
    • - $ mvn install -DskipTests
    • - $ mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
    • - $ mvn surefire:test
  • Creating project for web application. Building the war file
  • Understanding various Environment and their usage: DEV, QA, SIT, UAT, Perf, STAGE, PROD , etc.
  • Deployment promotion methodologies from one environment to another environment
  • Understanding application servers and web servers
  • Tomcat installation & configuration
  • Understanding Tomcat startup scripts, deployment path, port configurations etc.
  • Building and deploying GamutKart project into tomcat
  • Understanding WAR / EAR files and its resources
  • Project-1: Automate complete build and deployment process using Maven and Shell
  • Project-2: Automate complete build and deployment for real-time gamutkart application.
  • Deployment best practices & roll back process
  • Launching application from different environments
  • Understanding DEV, QA, OPS and DEVOPS teams interactions, SLA's and Support
  • Introduction to CI/CD process to reduce deployments turn-around time
  • Learn package management & process monitoring
  • Work on services, utilities, important files and directories
  • Understanding SystemD functions and works
  • Linux User Administration functions
  • File System Management (Generic & LVM)
  • Learn to manage Advanced File System Management (Software RAID)
  • Control Server-Client Configurations (FTP / SFTP / HTTP) nodes
  • Configuring Samba and SMTP
  • Firewall & IP Tables and security checks
  • Database Configuration (MySQL / Mariadb)
  • Using Control Panels to Manage Linux Servers (Webmin)
  • Introduction to Agile Development
  • Definition of continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), continuous deployment (CD)
  • Difference between CI and CD
  • End-to-End CI & CD Phases
  • What is Jenkins and Why Jenkins
  • Understanding continuous integration
  • Introduction about Jenkins
  • Jenkins Features
  • Build Cycle
  • Jenkins Architecture
  • Production Installation and Configuration
  • Tomcat and JDK installation. Setting up environment variables.
  • Installing and configuring Jenkins using WAR and RPM
  • Java installation and configuration
  • Maven Installation
  • Exploring Jenkins Dashboard.
  • Creating Jenkins job/project for builds integrating Git and Maven.
  • Usage of different Job configuration options
  • Different types of Jenkins Jobs
  • Use cases for Freestyle, Pipeline, multi-configuration projects
  • Configuring automated Build for WAR package creation
  • Configuration of tools installations for Maven, JDK , etc.
  • Jenkins global configurations and settings
  • All options in Manage Jenkins
  • What are the different build types available in Jenkins?
  • Build tools configuration in Manage Jenkins
  • Jenkins job build steps, triggers, artefacts, and repositories?
  • Setting up build steps and triggers
  • Build tools configuration
  • Running scripts as part of build steps
  • Integrating source code management tools and polling VCS for to achieve C.I/C.D
  • Develop automation for QA, SIT, UAT and PROD environment deployments.
  • Write deployment scripts for different environments
  • What is pipeline?
  • Advantages of build pipelines
  • Creating pipeline projects using GUI
  • When to use pipelines and different types of pipelines
  • Manual/GUI pipeline Vs Jenkins' file scripted pipeline
  • Upstream/downstream jobs
  • Writing Jenkins file using Groovy
  • Groovy scripts and syntax
  • Creating pipeline projects using Jenkins file and declarative Groovy DSL
  • Creating Parameterized build jobs
  • Passing parameters between jobs
  • Identifying parameters and how to use them: file parameter, string parameter, choice parameter
  • Deployments to QA, SIT, UAT, etc environments using a single Jenkins job
  • Writing Shell script to deploy the application into multiple machines of any environment
  • Use cases and applying Jenkins CLI for real-time scenarios
  • Explore Jenkins CLI options.
  • Triggering build jobs from commandline
  • Cleaning up builds runs using CLI
  • Running Jenkins CLI based on user's authorizations
  • Introduction to Plugins. What is a plugin?
  • Plugins Installation, Un-installation and upgrade
  • Different ways of plugin installation and management
  • Most Frequently used plugins in real-time (10 - plugins usages)
  • Finding suitable plugins and interpreting plugins documentation for real-time scenarios
  • Changing Jenkins HOME directory
  • Setting up System notifications for users
  • Email configuration for sending CI/CD notifications
  • Setting up different notifications for build, deployment, testing failures
  • Jenkins backup mechanisms and restoration policies
  • Installation of thin backup plugin and configuring the same for automatic backups
  • Setting-up HA and Test server for Jenkins
  • Jenkins upgradation
  • Migration of Jenkins from one server to another
  • Setting up Security for Jenkins
  • Setting up authentication mechanism using LDAP and Jenkins own Database
  • Setting up authorization policies using matrix-based security
  • Authentication versus authorization
  • Matrix based and Project based security
  • Jenkins authorizations to Dev, QA and other stakeholders. Best Practices
  • Creating Users and setting up authorization
  • What are distributed builds?
  • When do we implement distributed builds?
  • Setting master and slave concepts. Best practices
  • Running builds in parallel
  • Configuring slave nodes and adding to master
  • Setting up and using SSH agents, cloud agents
  • Monitoring nodes
  • Load balancing and finetuning builds and deployments using master and slave
  • Benefits of testing with Jenkins
  • Define unit test, smoke test, user acceptance test, functional tests, etc
  • Publishing test reports in Jenkins dashboard
  • Integrating with test automation tools
  • Integrating code coverage tools
  • Importance of quality gates, TDD.
  • Promoting code from one environment to another passing through quality criteria
  • Different types of Jenkins job Triggers
  • Real-time scenarios for different job triggers
  • Setting up repository poling for Continuous Integration builds
  • Crontab syntax for job scheduling
  • Poll scm Vs Periodic builds
  • What is containerization?
  • What is Docker?
  • Why Docker and Docker features, who can use it?
  • Basics of Virtualization
  • Difference between Virtual machine (VM), Physical machine and Docker container
  • Virtual machine and Docker usage in real-time and DevOps world
  • Docker supported platforms
  • Docker pre-requisites in production
  • Pre-requisites check commands (OS, Kernel, Hardware, etc.)
  • Docker Installation Steps
  • Configuring Docker to be executed without sudo
  • Installation check
  • Docker clean uninstallation
  • Creating first container & Linux concepts and features for containers
  • Root file system, networking and processes isolation.
  • Docker hardware and OS lightweight virtualization
  • Docker image concepts. Shipping the product code with dependencies and pre-requisites
  • Installation of frequently used Linux commands (ssh, net-tools, vim, )
  • Difference between Docker Image and Container
  • Inspecting the new container (hostname, IP, hosts file, processes, n/w capabilities)
  • Root file system, networking and processes isolation.
  • How Docker creates any flavour of container on top of any host Linux OS
  • Creating Linux containers on Windows. Concepts involved
  • SSH setup in containers
  • Shutdown Docker container
  • Listing all containers in host
  • Listing only running containers
  • Listing last few number of containers
  • Inspecting Docker container information
  • Listing last created container
  • Creating a container with our own name
  • Renaming a container
  • Deleting one, all, stopped and running containers
  • Starting, stopping and restarting containers from host
  • Attaching to a running container
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Inspecting container processes from host
  • Stopping the container gracefully and forcibly
  • Find more about a container. Understand container inspect JSON format and querying specific attributes
  • Creating and pushing a running container in daemon mode
  • Creating demonized containers
  • Pushing container in sleep mode
  • Understand more about Docker images
  • Advantages of Docker images in application deployments
  • Docker Image necessities
  • Solving 'Works in my machine problem' with Docker implementation
  • Restoring environments with Docker images
  • Auto scaling environments using Images
  • Setting up dev environments with images. Docker Advantage!
  • Implementing Self-service deployment models. Cutting down DevOps team's support.
  • Docker image storage in host machine
  • Docker Image creation techniques / approaches
  • Writing Docker file for image creation
  • Docker file instructions and usage
  • Setting up Nginx for web application
  • Project: 1 - creating custom Docker image for Nginx web application
  • Project: 2 - Creating custom Docker image for Gamut kart e-commerce web application
  • Creating and setting up account in Dockerhub
  • Docker registries & repositories
  • Most frequently used and helpful images walk-through
  • Documenting your custom image in Dockerhub
  • Pulling and Uploading Docker images form/to Docker Hub
  • Creating disposable environments using Docker images
  • Integrating Docker with Jenkins
  • Writing deployment scripts for provisioning environments with images
  • Scaling up environments instantly with Docker images. Writing scripts
  • Project-1: - Shipping & Deploying web application using Docker Images
    • Create Docker image with Web application code, Nginx and other pre-requisites and dependencies
    • Creating auto environments with shell scripts and Docker images
  • Project-2: - Shipping & Deploying Gamut kart web application using Docker Images
    • Building Gamut kart Application
    • Creating Docker image for Gamut kart application with pre-requisites such as JDK, Tomcat & other configurations
    • Creating environments manually and launch Gamut kart e-commerce application
    • Writing a shell script to create environments with given no. of containers
    • Auto scaling environments
  • Why do we need Kubernetes
  • Pods
  • Replica Sets
  • Deployments
  • Services
  • Kube-DNS
  • Nodes:
    • Kublet
    • Proxy
    • Docker
  • The Master node:
    • ETCD
    • The API Server
    • The scheduler
  • Available tools:
    • Kubectl
    • Dashboard
    • Minikube
  • Local Kubernetes setup with Minikube
  • Starting up the local Kubernetes cluster
  • Installing Kubectl
  • Production Kubernetes setup using Kubeadm
  • Docker Networking
  • Networking commands
  • Creating and inspecting a network
  • Connecting a container to the network
  • Exposing ports and mapping ports
  • Persistent storage
  • Volume-related commands
  • Creating a volume
  • Removing a volume
  • An introduction to Microservices
  • Monolithic Versus Microservices
  • The Monolithic Architecture
  • The Microservices Architecture
  • The Docker role
  • Kubernetes role
  • When to use Microservices architecture
  • Creating Service
  • Creating Deployment
  • Autoscaling and manual scaling
  • Interacting with Containers and logs viewing
  • Using Kubernetes dashboard
  • Creating Services
  • Creating deployments for Gamut kart project
  • Autoscaling environment for Gamut kart
  • Introduction to Ansible
  • Configuration Management
  • Ansible History
  • How Ansible Works
  • Data Flow
  • Case Study
  • Ansible way of Configuration Management
  • Infrastructure as a code
  • Idem potency
  • Ansible Terminology
  • Ansible Architecture
  • Pre-Requisites for controller Node
  • Test Environment Setup
  • Installation and configuration
  • Ansible Configuration file
  • Pre-Requisites for Managed Node
  • Ansible Inventory
  • Ansible Communication
  • Communication checks with password Authentication
  • Communication with key-Based Authentication
  • Ansible Architecture
  • Overriding the Default HOSTS File
  • The Default System Ansible.Cfg File
  • Overriding the Default Roles Path
  • Ansible Modules
  • Ad-Hoc Remote Executions
  • Ansible commands
  • Connection and Privilege Escalations
  • YAML Structure
  • Playbook structure
  • Ansible playbooks
  • Playbook syntax checks
  • Playbook Smoke tests
  • Playbook Real- time run
  • Playbook examples
  • Defining Variables in Ansible Code
  • Use Cases
  • Ansible Facts
  • System Facts: Common Values for Playbooks
  • Facts in Playbooks
  • Disabling Facts
  • Conditionals in Ansible
  • Loops in Ansible
  • Handlers in Ansible
  • Introduction
  • Real-Time example with Ansible Vault
  • Basic Include Statements
  • Includes - Breaking Your Playbook into Discrete Plays
  • Copy and Fetch Modules
  • Facts
  • Forks
  • Serial & Max_Fail_Percentage
  • Asynchronous Action and pooling
  • Delegate To
  • Ignore Failed commands/Basic Error Handling
  • Tags
  • Jinja2 Templates
  • Dry-Run
  • Simple Variable Substitution
  • Lookups
  • RunOnce
  • Local Actions
  • Notify
  • Prompt - Interactive Playbook
  • Starting At Task or Stepping Through All Tasks
  • Passing Variables Into Playbooks at the Command Line
  • Introduction
  • Directory Structure
  • Role creation
  • Include and Dependency Management
  • Introduction
  • Tower installation
  • Tower Dashboard
  • 'Setup' Module
  • The 'File' Module
  • 'Pause' Module
  • 'WaitFor' Module
  • 'Yum' Module
  • 'Apt' Module
  • 'Service' Module
  • 'Copy' Module
  • 'Command' Module
  • 'Cron' Module
  • 'Debug' Module
  • 'Fetch' Module
  • 'User' Module
  • 'AT' Module
  • 'DNF' Module
  • 'Apache2_Module' Module
  • 'SetFact' Module
  • 'Stat' Module
  • 'Script' Module
  • 'Shell' Module
  • 'SELinux' Module
  • 'SEBoolean' Module
  • 'Raw' Module
  • 'Ping' Module
  • 'Unarchive' Module
  • 'HTPasswd' Module
  • 'GetURL' Module
  • 'Group' Module
  • 'Mail' Module
  • 'Filesystem' Module
  • 'Mount' Module
  • 'Notify' Module
  • 'AptRepo' Module
  • 'AptKey' Module
  • 'ACL' Module
  • 'Git' Module
  • 'Template' Module
  • 'MySQL_DB' Module
  • 'MySQL_User' Module
  • 'Kernel_Blacklist' Module
  • History of AWS
  • What is virtualization?
  • Virtualization and cloud computing
  • Types of virtualization
  • Virtualization terminologies
  • Hypervisor
  • Cloud Computing
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • Why Cloud Computing?
  • Benefits of Cloud Computing
  • Types of Cloud Computing
  • Public Cloud
  • Private Cloud
  • Hybrid Cloud
  • Community Cloud
  • Software as a Service
  • Platform as a Service
  • Horizontal vs. Vertical scaling
  • Cloud Computing Issues
  • About AWS EBS (Elastic Block Storage)
  • Create EBS volumes
  • Delete EBS Volumes
  • Attach and detach EBS volumes
  • Mounting and un-mounting EBS volume
  • Creating and deleting snapshots
  • Launching your first AWS instance
  • On-demand Instance pricing
  • Reserved Instance pricing
  • Spot instance pricing
  • Setting up security
  • Security groups
  • Choosing the AMI
  • Creating a new AMI
  • Public and Private IP's
  • Deploying a new instance from the created AMI
  • Key Pairs
  • Elastic IP's
  • Load-Balancer
  • Create an Application Load Balancer
  • Create a Network Load Balancer
  • Create a Classic Load Balancer
  • S3 Buckets
  • S3 durability and redundancy
  • S3 Uploading Downloading
  • S3 Permissions
  • S3 Object Versioning
  • Static Web hosting
  • S3 Lifecycle Policies
  • Backup
  • Creating Users and Groups
  • Applying policies
  • Password Policy
  • Roles
  • MFA
  • Encryption Keys
  • Identity Provider
  • Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • What is VPC?
  • VPC configuration
  • VPC security
  • Elastic IP's Inbound and outbound ACL's
  • VPC Peering
  • VPN S/W
  • Creating zones
  • Hosting a website
  • Understanding routing policies
  • Weighted simple and failover policies
  • Cloud watch dashboard
  • Configuring Monitoring services
  • Configuring actions
  • Creating a cloud watch alarm
  • Getting statistics for ec2 instances
  • Monitoring other AWS services
  • Configuring Notifications
  • Use of cloud front
  • Creating a cloud front distribution
  • Hosting a website of cloud front distribution
  • Implementing restrictions
  • Configuring origins and behaviors
  • Selecting the Database type
  • Configuring the database
  • Creating database
  • Configuring backups
  • Configuring the maintenance windows
  • Connecting to the database

Skills Covered

Skills Covered




Project Management

Unix / Linux







Config Management





Code Quality

Code Inspection

Web Server


Release Management

Build Automation


Tools Covered

git Linux Commands Operating system Curriculum
git Shell Scripting Scripting Curriculum
git Git & Github Source Code Management Curriculum
git Ant Build Automation Curriculum
git Maven Build Automation Curriculum
git Apache Tomcat Application Server Curriculum
git Nexus Repository Manager Curriculum
git SonarQube Code Quality inspector Curriculum
git Jenkins CI/CD Tool Curriculum
git Docker Training Containerization Curriculum
git Kubernetes Training Container Orchestrator Curriculum
git Ansible Configuration Mgmt Curriculum
git TerraForm Configuration Mgmt Curriculum
git AWS Cloud Platform Curriculum
git DevSecOps Security Injection Curriculum
Other Minor Tools Covered
git Nginx Web server Curriculum
git Apache2 Web server Curriculum
git JBoss & WildFly Application server Curriculum
git JFrog Artifactory Bin Repository Manager Curriculum

Talk To Your Course Advisor: +91-9 6276 6276 9

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Talk To Your Course Advisor:
+91-9 6276 6276 9

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Yes, you will have lifetime access to your purchased course materials.
Your gurus will help you with installing all necessary software/environment that will be required to execute practicals.
Yes, after successful completion of your course, we will help you to curate your resume that will stand-out with your recently acquired skills. Also, we will conduct mock-interview sessions to help you prepare for your job interview.
There are two modes of training – Online instructor-led classes & offline classroom course. The course content for both are the same.

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Pay After Placement
(GGPAP) Program

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